Henri Turner, a former Parkland student, sat down with us to talk through his several experiences. From...
At 20 years old, Kassidy Caroline is smashing her expectations of following her dreams. After initially resigning...
Evidence emerging that drugs like ketamine and other psychedelics can be effective in treating mental health disorders,...
Champaign-Urbana offers fun activities and events all summer long, so whether you are staying in the CU...
Yet doing it yourself can get hard, end up looking basic, and choosing where to take...
To encourage students to take care of themselves during this stressful time, the counselors from Parkland’s very...
10 activities and ideas you can do to celebrate Earth Day this year!
Despite the desire to get ahead in their education, students may find it difficult at times to...
From obsessions with cassettes to finally telling ourselves “I love you,” the Prospectus team has an endless...
At the beginning of the semester, Eric Shell started his new position as the technical coordinator of...