Getting involved in college is more beneficial than many individuals may realize.
The Learning Commons is a vibrant hub for academic needs such as printing pages for homework, tutoring help, or a gathering...
By: Lindsay Cox With COVID-19, students and faculty have both had to adjust to holding classes in...
By: Silvia Sanchez The world this year has seen the effects of a pandemic that has changed every aspect of our lives, and...
The Spring 2020 semester has been chaotic and unpredictable. From the global pandemic forcing students to abandon...
by: Lindsay Cox According to UCLA professor Matthew Lieberman, social interactions are as basic of need as...
by: Kerry Lippold Jr. Although the Covid-19 pandemic has rendered Spring sports seasons suspended, Parkland Golf celebrates...
by: Erin Morrison As the stay at home order is still in effect, the Prospectus staff continues...
by: Michelle Barnhart Parkland College’s Ford Automotive Student Service Education Training—otherwise known as the Ford ASSET program—allows...
“All our projects were moved to an online format, so they'll all be done using Adobe Illustrator...