by: Nicoline Hansen
With a brand-new semester comes many things: a fresh start, new opportunities and a new President of Parkland’s Student Government. This is an important position that comes with a lot of responsibility. With the election scheduled for February 11, 12 and 13, it came as a huge shock when it was cancelled. However, the biggest shock came when it was announced that the election was cancelled because no student had decided to run for present.

After a lot of confusion, a new president has now been found. Secondary education major, Joe Smith, has accepted the title as President and will be the person to lead Parkland College’s Student Government this semester.
Smith has previous experience with student government as he joined last semester as a senator. “Luckily, I didn’t really have to run. I’m so out of shape, that would have been a disaster,” the newly announced President said, jokingly. “I honestly got tired of seeing those emails about being short of senators. I asked how I could help, and began my term of service on Student Government.”
To the readers who are unsure what Student Government is involved with, Smith informs that they are basically involved in everything regarding student life. “We are the first to hear about tuition changes. We sponsor or co-sponsor events, such as the Black History Month fashion show coming up. We are involved in granting extra funds to student organizations, and we’re also the group of students that approves club formations,” Smith says.
According to the Parkland College website, the overall goal of Student Government is to give Parkland students various opportunities to help them form relationships as well as leadership skills. Smith adds that Student Government provides a change for the students to have a voice in their environment.
It is very clear that our new Student Government President has a deep passion for this school. His favorite thing about Parkland is the people that fill the building. This includes everyone from the students to the staff. “Parkland is where so many different experiences and mindsets meet and interact in an environment of learning,” Smith says. “Hands down, our diverse people make this place.”

However, this does not mean that Smith thinks there are things that don’t need improvements. To Smith, two of the things that need extra attention are interaction and connection. “I want people to talk to each other more face to face” Smith says.
Furthermore, the newly elected President wants to raise more awareness of the different organizations and services that are provided here at Parkland College. Smith wishes to be the voice for the students and promote the different experiences of these organizations and services.
The overall goal for his term as the Student Government President, according to Smith, is that he wants to leave Parkland better than how he found it. “Parkland really does offer so much for us, the best we could do is maintain the culture of success for everyone,” Smith says.
As for the future, someone will have to take on the role of President for the Student Government and maintain the work Smith will leave behind after his term. “Don’t let your dreams be dreams. Do it! Fortune favors the bold. Go beyond, Plus Ultra! Those who dares win. Be change you want to see,” Smith says as his final comment to any students considering joining Student Government. “Whatever motivational quote, bumper sticker, #hashtag you need to hear to get involved, I’ll tell you.”
To get information about the Student Government and how to run for a position, visit and click on ‘About Parkland’.