Scott Wells Staff Writer It wasn’t difficult for Parkland’s Activities Program Manager Chaya Sandler to decide where...
David Saveanu Staff Writer A survey of randomly-selected Parkland students conducted by the Prospectus found a majority...
Emma Gray Staff Writer In spite of monetary woes reaped by the state’s fiscal situation, Eastern Illinois...
Dylan Kleiss Staff Writer Members of Parkland’s Club Latino say the organization behaves as a family-like community...
Scott Wells Staff Writer Although Thom Schnarre grew up on a farm in Nokomis, Ill., he knew...
Peter Floess Staff Writer On Tuesday, November 15, at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Wednesday, Nov....
Dylan Kleiss Staff Writer Going abroad is a great way to get out and experience how the...
Scott Wells Staff Writer Staerkel Planetarium Director Dave Leake grew up on Water Street in Decatur, Ill....
Peter Floess Staff Writer Champaign-Urbana’s Spurlock Museum and Krannert Art Museum are home to little pieces of...
David Saveanu Staff Writer This year’s Pennies for Pumpkins fundraiser was held Oct. 26 with organizers hoping...