Humna Sharif Staff Writer Parkland College Veteran Services recently earned nationwide acclaim when the college was named...
Scott Barnes Staff Writer It was a beautiful Thursday night in Urbana, and instead of heading to...
Aron Ammann Staff Writer While many students reside in Champaign, with the commute to class no more...
Zach Trueblood Staff Writer Whether you are brewing your first cup of the day or cracking that...
Kaleb Schwaiger Staff Writer For most students, college is the first time living on their own. With...
Marnie Leonard Staff Writer Learning a new language, meeting new people from all around the world, and...
Humna Sharif Staff Writer The current minimum wage in the state of Illinois is $8.25 per hour...
Aron Ammann Staff Writer Parkland College officially opened its new student union with a ribbon cutting ceremony...
Scott Barnes Staff Writer There is no doubt that going to college is a life changing experience...
Zach Trueblood Staff Writer When students like Speech Therapy major Roxanne Concepcion, and Criminal Justice major Abby...