EvyJo Compton
The Student Veterans Association at Parkland, also known as SVAP, offers student veterans a place where they can make friends, transition from military to civilian life, and learn about available resources.
Everyone, not just veterans, can attend the meetings, but only veterans can hold leadership positions. SVAP meets on the first Tuesday of every month at noon.
Kristina Taylor, the veterans certifying official at Parkland processes all of the veterans education benefits and is also the advisor for SVAP.
“I am the financial aid advisor for all of the veteran students and dependents who received VA benefits,” Taylor said. “In addition, all colleges/universities in Illinois who have at least a full-time headcount of 1,000 students must have designated a ‘Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services’ staff member to advocate for veterans and coordinate veteran services. I serve in this role as well.”
Taylor has filled roles with SVAP for over 15 years at Parkland.
SVAP meetings are located at the Veterans Resource Center, which is right next to the Office of Financial Aid and Veteran Services.
“Anyone interested in joining SVAP can attend our monthly meetings,” Taylor said. “There is no official enrollment process.”
The Student Veterans Association at Parkland was made to help veterans in a variety of ways.
“SVAP began as a group that would fulfill the needs of veterans looking for the camaraderie of those who have had similar experiences as them,” Taylor said. “It helps to ease the transition from the military to civilian life and is a place where veterans can come to support other veterans or find out about resources available to them.”
There are also several other ways that SVAP helps veterans such as serving as a safe place, and hosting guest speakers.
“It serves as a safe place where veterans can be with other veterans who can understand them since they have been through similar experiences,” Taylor said. “The group has guest speakers come to inform them of various veterans’ benefits available…and to help them through the process of obtaining the benefits.”
SVAP also allows veterans to continue to serve through various volunteer activities and raises awareness of veterans and veterans’ issues. Each fall semester, the group also hosts the annual Parkland Veterans Day Ceremony.
“A veteran, in this group, is defined as anyone who has served, or is serving, in the military, including the National Guard and Reserves,” Taylor said.
SVAP is looking forward to some changes in the near future.
“This semester, the president of the organization has been focused on remodeling the Veterans Resource Center,” Taylor said. “We are looking forward to seeing the changes he makes.”
Parkland serves as an educational resource for many veterans of the armed forces.
“Veterans are a diverse group and provide many benefits to the campus community,” Taylor said. “Their unique perspectives add to the discussions and learning experience of their fellow students.”
For information about SVAP, individuals can contact Kristina Taylor at ktaylor@parkland.edu